Bajo una fuerte orientacion Jazzistica, Wasserman nos presenta aqui un trabajo haciendose acompañar de diversos artistas, no necesariamente de la escena del Jazz, obteniendo como resultado, cuando menos, un disco variopinto que alejándose de cualquier influencia de música Rock, que no del blues resulta del todo relajante para esos momentos, que todos siempre tenemos en alguna ocasión.
Adjunto un texto (en Ingles, Sorry) extraido de la Red
PD. Ya lo dijo Confucio : "En la variación esta el Gusto"
“A very versatile bassist, Rob Wasserman has gained fame for his trilogy of recording projects accurately titled Solo, Duets and Trios. Wasserman began playing the violin when he was 12, not switching to bass until he was already 20. Within a year he was studying at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and playing with drummer Charles Moffett. The classical training he had received on violin plus owning a very open mind have both come in handy frequently throughout his career. Wasserman picked up early experience working with Dan Hicks, Maria Muldaur, Van Morrison and Oingo Boingo. In 1983, he recorded Solo for Rounder which received very strong reviews. Soon afterward, Wasserman became a longtime member of David Grisman's group and he also has had lengthy stints with Lou Reed, Elvis Costello and the Grateful Dead's Bob Weir. Duets in 1988 matched Wasserman with seven very diverse singers (including Bobby McFerrin, Ricky Lee Jones, Cheryl Benyne and Lou Reed) and violinist Stephane Grappelli. 1993's Trios has appearances by such performers as Jerry Garcia, Brian and Carnie Wilson, Willie Dixon, Branford Marsalis and Elvis Costello among others. Although he has worked throughout much of his career as a featured sideman” Rob Wasserman's three recordings as a leader are his most notable musical accomplishments thus far. The space-rock influenced Space Island blasted off in late 2000, exploring new textures and incorporating hip-hop and electronic elements. He spent the next several years playing with Ratdog and appearing with Gov't Mule and Rikki Lee Jones before returning to solo work and releasing Cosmic Farm, a fusion date featuring guitarist Craig Erickson, T. Lavitz on keys and Jeff Sipe on drums
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