lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

Thelonious Monk Septet - Monk´s Music (1957 US)

This album, recorded in June 1957, marks an important milestone for Thelonious Monk. Known as a musicians' musician for years, Monk had participated in seminal recording sessions. His compositions were becoming jazz standards. However, in some measure he was regarded as an interesting eccentric. He hadn't had the sort of popular acceptance and critical acknowledgment that meant that he had arrived. This album has always struck me as an annunciation of his importance. The album doesn't treat standards or other musicians' work. Aside from the introductory track--William H. Monk's "Abide with Me"--it's just Monk and his compositions. These are played by a septet that is congenial to his music and playing. Trumpeter Ray Copeland and alto saxophonist Gigi Grice are competent if not exciting soloists. The rhythm section is perfect. The two tenor saxophonists are particular bonuses. John Coltrane, part of Monk's working quartet at the time, is emerging to stardom here. Coltrane was little enough known to general jazz audiences that his name isn't listed as a featured sideman on the cover art. The established jazz giant is Coleman Hawkins whose name is listed on the cover along with Gryce and drummer Art Blakey. Listening to the two tenors together allows you to compare their distinctive styles and their different generations. To be sure, Coltrane solos on only two tracks--"Well, You Needn't" and "Epistrophy" (you can hear an alternate take of the latter on "Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane"), but the contrast is telling. Coltrane sounds as though he belongs with Monk while Hawkins sounds almost tentative in his solos with the septet. On the other hand, Hawkins' treatment of "Ruby, My Dear," which he plays with the rhythm section, could be called definitive; his rendition of the Monk ballad is simply elegant. Monk's first solo on "Well, You Needn't" is a memorable rendering, and his playing throughout the album is commanding. The drummer is the pyrotechnic Blakey who is completely attuned to Monk and his music. The playing on this album exemplifies the characteristics of Monk and Blakey's styles, a fine introduction for anyone not familiar with their voices and their interplay. It is a fine introduction to Monk's music as well.

Album grabado en 1957 junto a Coleman Hawkins, Art Blakey y el mismisimo John Coltrane, situándose entre el post-be-bop y el cercano pre-"60s", como para resistirse al plantel. En este album nos entrega sus clásicos con un énfasis más moderno de sus más notables composiciones, y asímismo interpretadas con más habilidad, respeto y entusiasmo por estos grandes músicos de jazz. Durante la mayoría de la década de los "50, Thelonious fué más un acompañante de los grandes del jazz, aportando su música en giras y grabaciones de directos para otros músicos. Este album fué su evasión.Fué considerado un excéntrico fuera de lo normal por su gran colección de diferentes sombreros que usaba en las giras, y también por sus bailes alrededor del piano mientras el resto de la banda seguía interpretando. Ray Copeland a la trompeta, Gigi Gryce en el alto saxo, Coleman Hawkins y John Coltrane en los saxos tenores, Thelonious Monk al piano, Wilbur Ware al bajo y Art Blakey en la batería. Grabado en New York el 26 de Junio de 1957. Buena escucha durante una tranquila lectura o frente al ordenador.

Envio de Fredericio


8 comentarios:

  1. Jazz de categoría y archivo sin passwords. Disfrutenlo musikeros.

  2. Me lo bajo en cuanto llegue a casa. Gracias galleteros; soy fan del Monk; están los "metralletas y velocistas" que no es lo mio y los que juegan con los "silencios y los matices" y Monk es de estos últimos, por lo tanto es de "los mios", de los que me llenan.

  3. Bajando a toda pastilla ...
    Gracias Kaka-nuka y muchas gracias Fredericio por tus buenisimos aportes a nuetras Galletas.


  4. Me inicio en esta andadura.
    Hola a todos y cuando llegue a casa lo esucharé y ya os comentaré.

  5. Muchas gracias por el disco aqualung my friend y a Fredericio también por supuesto. Descargando y preasto a escuchar algo de buen jazz :)

  6. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  7. Hi Anónimo wherever you are writing from. We have worked together the same staff all this time being this a good stuff... things have changed a bit but it's been in order to get better, we'll keep it up much longer!

    thanks for your comments and your time, hope you go on enjoying with lovely music around here and still writing a simple thanks as you've made it. thanks.

    best wishes anónimo from SouthEast of Spain, now too much cold over this part of the world, anyway let's get it

    pd. (try to put yourself an own nick to recognise you better from now on , please)

  8. Nuevo Pass (Refresco): katetoskopio/theloniousmonkseptet
