domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2007

Q'65 - Afghanistan (1970 NED)

He aqui un disco que me encanta.

In the '60s there were lots of killer beat bands in Holland. Many '60s garage fan are into them now, Outsiders and Q'65 being the most prominet.. They started the band in early 1965. Befor Q, Peter Vink (bass) and Jay Baar (drums) played in another blues band called Leadbelly's Limited . In The Hague there were lots of Indonesian Dutch bands played instrumental number from the '50s. Their mysterious sound also influenced to Q'65. In the middle of '65 ,they had some live gigs and were called the "Dutch Pretty Things" because of their Ugly sound! But Peter Vink said "We were influenced by R&B, Sam and Dave, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding.. not Pretty Things". They released their first single"You 're the Victor" in Feb '66. It was frantic R&B punk with strange vocals and harp. It made #11 hit and stayed in the charts for 13 weeks.. Their 2nd single was "The Life I Live". In this song they established their ugly sound. To adverise it, the record company made them reckless promotion . They were asled to go London by rubbur lifeboat! Then they would play at club in London but they were unable to obtain work permits, so they only appeared press and photo sessions. They went back by rubber lifeboat again, (actually they rode on a ship"Zilver'mee"which means Silver Seagull),and as soon as they saw Schevenning shore they boaded the rubber lifeboat as if they had sailed from England that way. At Schevenning shore,30000 fans were waiting for them. Kjoe(same pronouced Q in Dutch, which is what the fans called the band) had to run away to escape the enthusiastic fans. They had a gig at the pier. This promotion went well and it garnered them a Top 10 hit.

In '66 they released their first album "Revolution" (they chose the title because they felt it was a "revolutinary "album for them)which also inclueded a version of Sonny boy Williamson's "Bring It Home" which lasted nearly fourteen minutes and other Blues and R&B covers. The album alsohad the killer original tunes,"I got Nightmares""Sour Wine" .

This fab R&B punk album sold 35000 copies. They joined the Small Faces, Spencer Davis Group, Kinks, Pretty Things in Holland. In '67 they released Kjoe Blues EP(Q's Blues), including 3Blues covers and a original "80%O"(it was an acid instrumental song about 80% Opium).

They were into soft drag, and their sound changed. Their lyrics had mysterious double meanings. In '68 Wim was drafted into teh Army. This marked the end of the first Q65 era.

They regrouped in 1970. Between 1970 and 1971 they released "Afganistan"LP and "We Are Gonna Make It". The sound was diffierent from their early era, more psychedelic.


Beer Klaase: Drums, Percussion
Frank Nuyens: Gitarre, Gesang
Peter Vink: Bass, Gesang
Wim Bieler: Gesang, Harmonica
Joop Roelofs: Gitarre, Gesang

CD en mp3 (320 Kbps) y FLAC


6 comentarios:

  1. Gracias. Lo bajaré con calma. Vaya curro (para el que lo ha posteado claro); 3 partes. Cuidénse amigos.

  2. Pues muy bien Nacho. Encantada de animarte a escuchar, pero sobre todo encantada de animarte a escribir.

    Cuidate tambien.


  3. Exelente aporte lo andaba buscando gracias!

  4. Nuevo pass (refresco): katetoskopio/Afganistan

  5. Hola:
    Pues debo estar un poco tonto, pues lo he descargado y no lo puedo descomprimir ni con winrar ni con 7zip, copio y pego la contraseña
    katetoskopio/Afganistan pero nada, ya me dirás que puede ser.

  6. Alguien me podría ayudar a encontrar el link. Por favor.
